Diaphragmatic hyperexcitability spectrum is thought to include diaphragm cramp

Respiratory arrest by diaphragm cramp is thought to represent just one along a spectrum of contractile disorders (diaphragm hyperexcitability), where the diaphragm contracts with automaticity (on its own). Others include diaphragm tremor, flutter and fibrillation, each with it’s own unique set of symptoms.

This new SIDS hypothesis, respiratory arrest by diaphragm cramp, is thought to represent just one along a spectrum of contractile disorders where the diaphragm contracts with automaticity (on its own). It is like diaphragm paralysis caused by succinylcholine or neuromuscular blockers like curare, tetanus, botulism and nicotine. It is the cause of death in nicotine poisoning (by oral ingestion). There is overlap here too with sepsis and malignant hyperthermia, thte latter causing muscle rigidity, spasms and cramps of the limbs. Death in that condition is thought due to DCC respiratory arrest. Experimental endotoxins, emulating severe sepsis in dogs, caused diaphragm fatigue and sudden failure (likely by DCC).

This new SIDS hypothesis, respiratory arrest by diaphragm cramp, is thought to represent just one along a spectrum of contractile disorders where the diaphragm contracts with automaticity (on its own). It is like diaphragm paralysis caused by succinylcholine or neuromuscular blockers like curare, tetanus, botulism and nicotine. It is the cause of death in nicotine poisoning (by oral ingestion). There is overlap here too with sepsis and malignant hyperthermia, thte latter causing muscle rigidity, spasms and cramps of the limbs. Death in that condition is thought due to DCC respiratory arrest. Experimental endotoxins, emulating severe sepsis in dogs, caused diaphragm fatigue and sudden failure (likely by DCC).

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