SIDS breakhthrough flow diagram. It involves spontaneous diaphragm cramp-contracture (DCC) causing respiratory arrest and novel airway obstruction created by RAM contractions to breathe against diaphragm immobilized and inactivated by the cramp. Supported by autopsy evidence including contraction band necrosis which occurs under terminal anoxia in SIDS [Kariks 1989, Silver 1992].
Discovery Slide. SIDS is thought to be caused by respiratory arrest (terminal apnea) from diaphragm cramp. SUDEP mechanism.
SIDS breakthrough 2025 flow diagram. Novel diaphragm cramp-contracture (DCC) in vulnerable infants (with critical diaphragm fatigue) is no different than a leg cramp, except it shuts respiration down (respiratory arrest). It also creates a novel airway obstruction where the diaphragm resists accessory inspiratory muscle efforts to breathe.