How to Help your Addicted Loved One

Drug and alcohol coaching by a MD in recovery

Online Addiction Information for Family - Dr. Darryl Gebien MD - Doctor in Recovery from Fentanyl

Online addiction info for concerned loved ones

I’m a ER doctor with over 10 years’ experience in the USA and Canada. I’m also in long term recovery since 2014 from opioid use disorder as well as a former federal inmate. I will help you cope and strategize how to help your loved one combat their drug or alcohol addiction.

I lost my marriage, job, reputation, freedom and also went bankrupt. However, I didn’t lose hope (or my medical license).

While idling in jail, the walls would tell me to jump but I didn’t. While telling my story in peer support groups, I found solace by confiding in others. They understood me best and I learned to voice my worries, concerns and fears.

Choosing “victor” over victim, I pressed on, banishing the suicidal thoughts while gaining traction by digging deep in group sessions. “Share like your life depends on it!” they’d urge. The biggest key to tackling my drug addiction was learning to talk about my problems. It was the polar opposite to the loneliness and self-loathing of active addiction.

Learning to voice myself through all the stress, uncertainty, tears and anguish, the vulnerability humbled me and made me stronger. I learned that resiliency and self evolution are processes that take work but will lead to mental toughness and even happiness.

I want to help others reach the same peace of mind and assure family members of those struggling with addiction that things will get better starting with one-to-one addiction coaching . I want to help you learn more about addiction so you can help your loved one.

To learn more about my story, check out the About page.

To learn more about an incredible story in progress, go here.

To meet with me, please send a message using Facebook

Coaching sessions for concerned family members

  • Discuss your family member’s problematic drug or alcohol use
  • Confidential one-on-one consultation with me, a licensed MD*
  • We will discuss how you can help your loved one by caring first for yourself
  • We will address your biggest fears and concerns (e.g., denial by the substance user) and equip you with a healthy way to intervene in a non-confrontational manner
  • Discuss any interpersonal conflict (relationship) issues
  • Address your coping skills and learn strategies to become resilient
  • Reduce the harms of substance use (drugs and alcohol) or any other addiction
  • Clarify “total abstinence” and “harm reduction”
  • I believe in CRAFT-based, non-confrontational interventions for addicted individuals instead of the sensationalized interventions as seen on TV
  • CRAFT is Community Reinforcement Approach and Family Training (click to learn more about the CRAFT originator, Dr. Robert J. Meyers Ph.D)
  • Relapse prevention
  • Improve the likelihood of getting your loved one into some form of treatment to reduce their drug or alcohol use and/or fully abstain
  • Provide you with PEACE OF MIND

Coaching sessions for substance users and alcoholics

This is a partial list of what I offer:

  • One-on-one, non-confrontational discussions for those struggling with substance misuse (including alcohol).
  • Find you social support networks including a mentor/sponsor
  • Learn the skill of “externalizing” problems with me and your supports
  • Harm reduction techniques
  • Relapse prevention

General coping strategies to maintain drug and alcohol recovery (and keys to happiness):

  • Reduce substance use and dependence by employing CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy)
  • Mindfulness exercises and techniques to better cope with stress
  • Practicing gratitude as well as tolerance and patience with your concerned loved one
  • Seek forgiveness from those we’ve hurt (or at least level with them)
  • Journal about daily stresses and issues
  • Regularly attending some form of a peer support group (to get out of the isolation). This is the single-most important thing for drug and alcohol recovery!
  • Speaking regularly with a professional (a recovery doctor, drug treatment counselor or therapist)

To meet with me, please send a message using Facebook

Fee Structure

All fees are in US dollars. Payment will be requested upon booking our consultation via Calendy.

Adults (over 25 years old)

$300 for each 1-hour meeting

$30 for each 15 minutes thereafter

Young Adults (under 25 years)

$75 for each 1-hour meeting

$15 for each 15 minutes thereafter

Additional Fees:

$50 for each additional person (e.g. a family member who wants to contribute)

$15 for a PDF copy of my notes

$25 per 15-minute phone call to your family doctor, therapist or anyone else upon your express, written request

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In Crisis?

  • Call 911 or go to your local emergency department
  • Call or text the help lines below

American Help Lines

Crisis Text Line USA – Text HOME to 741741 to reach a volunteer Crisis Counselor
Provides 24/7 support by text messaging

Addiction Helpline USA – SAMHSA’s National Helpline 1-800-662-4357
Provides toll-free, 24/7 confidential, anonymous advice and service to those requiring addiction services or information.

Canadian Help Lines

Crisis Services CANADA – Website
Provides easy access to crisis resources throughout Canada.

Addiction Helpline CANADA – Wellness Together Canada 1-866-585-0445
Provides toll-free, 24/7 confidential, anonymous advice and service to those requiring addiction services or information.

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